The Ultimate HIIT Profile provides you with the ammunition you will need to guide riders to truly understand perceived exertion for higher intensity riding. Through your coaching you help them to relate each interval with duration and intensity and to make mental notes of what they are feeling. Ask your riders to take what they learn in this profile and apply it to other classes they attend.Read more…

Are you confused about teaching with power? Have you wondered what power output your riders should achieve in their intervals? Then this profile is for you. I call it the Ultimate HIIT because in addition to estimating FTP, it includes some of the more important durations for intervals so they can be compared to each other. This is very important when teaching both power as well as perceived exertion. I have a feeling you and your riders will love/hate this profile!Read more…

If you love proving that indoor cycling is not just for cardio bunnies, this is the profile for you. The overall goal is to place as much force on the leg muscles as possible for the duration of each muscular strength interval. Consider this profile the equivalent of performing single-leg squats or lunges—800 of them!

The intervals are short, but they are intense. If done correctly, each interval will bring a rider close to failure in the last seconds.Read more…

Pedaling at lower cadences with higher resistance develops leg strength the same way lifting a heavier weight in the gym increases muscular strength. Today’s profile consists of hill repeats that focus on developing leg strength through strength endurance training. l often use recovery songs that are from one artist and album—I think you’ll enjoy the ones used in this profile.Read more…