Here are two Thanksgiving profiles from the past so you don’t have to search for them. The first is one of my favorites, The Gratitude Ride, and the second is a rolling hills Over the River and Through the Woods to grandmother’s house! Enjoy burning your calories before your big feast!Read more…

Christine Nielsen, one of our more creative profile designers, has done it again, this time with a scary and dramatic theme profile for Halloween, replete with spooky sound effects. Your students’ hearts will be racing for more reasons than just the effort! The ending is rather ingenious; we’d love to hear if any of you added to the story line. Read more…

This profile combines what you work on in high-cadence drills with high-resistance climbing efforts, creating a very effective (and hard) training session. Please don’t take it personally if your students take your name in vain after this class; I assure you, they’ll thank you later when they realize how much you improve their fitness and power with very targeted profiles like these.Read more…

Last month I was in Seattle and had a chance to take Shari Miranda’s cycling class at the Seattle Athletic Club downtown. It’s a hill repeat profile with a twist. I enjoyed it so much I asked Shari to present it to ICA members. I know you—and your students—will enjoy this one!Read more…

My Back-to-School profile and playlist was a big hit this morning so I thought I’d share it with you. If you’re not into theme profiles, this one may change your mind! This playlist spans the genres, and includes folk, indie, R&B, pop, punk, retro, and classic rock. It also spans the school age, from elementary to high school to college. As the Ramones say, “Fun, fun, rock ‘n roll high school”!Read more…

To highlight our summer focus on climbing, we present another amazing profile from Tom Scotto. Join Tom as he takes you through three killer climbs with the help of guitar hero and classic rock. Make sure to pace yourself, that final climb at a tempo pace will demand all you’ve got! Tom’s outdoor cycling experience comes out in his coaching of this profile, and will help turn you into a climbing expert as well!Read more…