International indoor cycling day

Angela van Baal is an ICA member from the Netherlands who is planning on playing some of the old classic songs first used in the early days of Spinning® for her International Indoor Cycling Day ride this weekend. What a GREAT idea! I decided to put together a list of some of my most favorite classic Spinning songs from back in the day. Use these for your IICD event—or any event that celebrates Spinning!Read more…

indie rock rocks

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut—be it a profile or your music choices. In our next series, we invite you to “Step Outside Your Musical Box,” open up your ears, and try something new and different. The first genre we’re tackling is indie rock. Bill Pierce encourages you to step inside his world and introduces you to his favorites.Read more…

Are your rides beginning to all seem the same, with only slight variations of the playlist? Do you suffer from “writer’s block” when you start to plan a new class, taking hours to complete one? Don’t worry, it’s not you. It’s your ride creation process. All of these problems can be fixed by simply adopting a new approach to planning your classes. Read more…

Using Music in a New Way

Learn how to use music in novel ways to develop students’ pedaling skills while simultaneously disengaging them from relying on music as a crutch. The concepts are difficult to explain and are best felt and seen. Listen to the examples and find similar music in your own library to experiment with. Then see what happens when you introduce the concepts into a class setting. Read more…

This profile was written for my Tuesday endurance class in honor of Valentine’s Day. While typical endurance classes are over an hour, we’re limited to 45 minutes since this is an early morning class. (Bless their hearts for waking up so early in the morning and spending it with me!)Read more…

To quote the lyrics of a Glenn Frey song, “There’s a hole in the world tonight”…this week the world lost yet another musical icon way too soon. Here are a profile and a list of songs for your Glenn Frey tribute. Since the Eagles’ style is softer country rock, this profile includes higher-energy songs from their contemporaries of the 1970s and 1980s. Read more…