June 8 is World Ocean Day. One of the criteria for deciding whether a concept or an “international day” is worthy of a theme ride is whether there are a lot of songs on that theme that are good for indoor cycling. The good news: oceans definitely qualify, especially if you add the theme of water or beaches, or even just songs that make you feel like you’re sitting on a beach mesmerized by the hypnotic lapping of the waves (an Ibiza chill song comes to mind).Read more…

World Bicycle Day is on June 3 and Ride Your Bike to Work Day is June 28. ICA is here to help you with the perfect bike-themed music to honor the reason that our indoor cycling classes even exist! We give your four bucket playlists to choose from with the categories of “bikes,” “ride,” “miles/distance/speed,” and “mountains”—a total of 500 songs to choose from for your bicycle-themed profile! Read more…

There is a scientific reason why humans love drumming—drums move us in ways few other instruments do! When you hear that intriguing driving or tribal beat, you feel compelled to tap your fingers, sway your body, and nod your head, and you want to get out on the dance floor. Here are more than 180 songs to choose from for a drumming-focused theme ride for International Drum Month…or any time of the year.Read more…