Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
An Incredible Way to Learn About the Effects of Your Profiles and Coaching
When you learn how to read and interpret a workout file it is an amazing tool to aid in putting together profiles. You will better understand the possible impact your choices (cadence, resistance, power, etc.) will have on your riders. By looking at a file from a less fit rider who suffered in the class or was unable to do the prescribed workout, you will understand why some might struggle with your coaching. Or, maybe you might discover that some things you are doing might not be as effective as you thought. Read more…
I Have an Idea to Boost Your Class Size and Retain Riders!
Is there a program you can implement that will show your new riders how incredibly fun your cycling program can be, one that will make them eager to come back? How about a way to lure cyclists to stick around, and maybe even return in July? Hear me out here…I’ve got a great idea that might just solve both these problems! Read more…
Worried About the Poor Level of Instruction at a Club You Visit? You CAN Make a Difference!
With the increase in “non-traditional” indoor cycling classes rife with contraindications, and the increase in instructors learning new “moves” from YouTube, so many classes these days are filled with safety concerns. Many instructors who attend one of these classes are either too uncomfortable to approach the instructor or feel that if they contact the facility, no one will care. We’d like to share with you an example of an instructor who did step up and was able to make some positive changes at one club.Read more…
My Cycling Class Today: When Riders Ask Questions After Class
Bill had two new riders in his class recently. They had taken many other classes, just not his. After class, they asked him some excellent questions, which reminded him of the importance of being equipped with excellent answers before you are asked. Their questions—and his answers—will open your eyes.Read more…
24-hour Indoor Cycling Marathon, Denmark
Last month I had the great honor to be one of the presenters at the 24-Hour Indoor Cycling Marathon in Kolding, Denmark. I’ve had some pretty cool experiences as a master instructor, first for Spinning®, then for ICA. It’s no secret that being up on stage in front of a big group is an exciting moment, and I’ve loved every one of my opportunities to do so over the past 16 years, but I have to say, I would put this one in the top 3! I share with you some photos and videos of the event, and my playlist and profile.Read more…
Step Outside Your Musical Box: Canadian Music
I confess that 40 years ago, when I emigrated from the United States to Canada, I didn’t expect to feel much difference. I thought, “Two nations, largely English-speaking with a lot of shared history—how different could life be?” I was wrong in many ways. Music was one of the first and most tangible markers of the fact that I was living “abroad.” I heard many artists on the radio who were completely unknown to me and maybe to you, too.Read more…
The 3-2-1 Drill
This drill is designed to increase your body’s ability to process lactate in your muscles. The goal is to increase your maximum sustainable power, as the majority of the work is below threshold. Get ready, in 3-2-1…Read more…
Official Club Policy for Class Etiquette
The best way to preempt problems in your cycling classes is to have an official club policy for the rules of etiquette. These rules should be posted on the cycling room wall, which will help instructors when dealing with potential problems. In this article, we provide you with seven considerations when assembling your own rules, and two samples of ways you can present your rules.Read more…
How Many Turns on the Resistance Knob?
Have you ever cued to turn up the resistance by giving a number of turns to your class? You may want to find a better way to cue resistance! Caesar filmed a brief video for his riders who have been used to being told the number of turns expected, so he wanted to show them why it’s not an effective cue. We hope this helps you so you can explain to your class why you don’t cue that way. Read more…
How to Protect Your Knees in Indoor Cycling Class
Our knees are particularly vulnerable to injury when we don’t use some common sense in our indoor classes. Fortunately, most cycling injuries are preventable. Dr Peter Donaldson, of Michigan Orthopedic Institute in Southeast Michigan, helps us understand how to protect your knees from pain and injury.Read more…