Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Facebook Live on the ICA Page! Tour de France Coverage and More!
Facebook live videos are growing in popularity right now, and I plan on taking advantage of this excellent way to bring you more coaching tips. Check out my first one here. It’s about today’s Tour de France stage results, and tomorrow’s epic climb up Mont Ventoux, and how you can coach them in your classes. I plan on doing this a lot more often too, so stay tuned!Read more…
Taking Stock of the Year So Far
We’re a little more than halfway through 2016. Time to check in and take stock of the year so far. The questions in this article can help you with your instructing goals for the rest of the year.Read more…
Grab This Tour de France Album on Spotify!
We found this gem on Spotify and wanted to share it with you—an album called Tour de France with high-energy songs for your stages! Read more…
Profile: Slow-Twitch vs Fast-Twitch Intervals
The ride consists of intervals that compare the benefits and physiological response of slow-twitch versus fast-twitch muscle fibers. After the intervals, riders get the opportunity to climb “The Wall,” which was part of the Ride the Rockies route. Everyone will suffer, but fast-twitch muscle fiber riders may find it to be a much bigger challenge, while slow-twitch riders will be able to tolerate the discomfort a bit more.
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Baby Boomers, Six-Packs, and Indoor Cycling
Are we’re missing out on an opportunity to build our indoor cycling classes because we’ve missed the mark on what boomers want? Are we giving them what they want and need when they come to our classes? We’ve identified insights that can help keep your baby boomers engaged, happy, fit, and most importantly, coming to your classes!Read more…
International Indoor Cycling Day!
I’ve decided that we needed our own day to celebrate everything we love about indoor cycling! So put it on your calendar and check out the ideas in this post, because we’re going to raise awareness of indoor cycling around the globe on October 21, 2016. I hope you’ll come be a part of this along with tens of thousands of others around the globe. Let’s build this day together!Read more…
Effective Intros and Outros Build a Stronger Class Experience
Many thoughtful instructors spend a great amount of time developing wonderful playlists combining strong physiological sequencing with impactful music. Yet many of these same instructors ad lib the beginning and end of class without much prior thought. Here are some specific things you can do to strengthen the impact of your intros and outros, while creating an atmosphere of trust and community.Read more…
How Indoor Cycling Instructors, Studios, and Clubs Can Protect Themselves From Lawsuits
Last week a lawsuit was filed against SoulCycle alleging negligence on the part of the studio and the instructor that led to a serious injury by the plaintiff. This is a case that instructors and studios around the world should be watching closely. In this article, we provide 13 best practices to help protect yourself from legal actions. You may want to share this with your entire staff and with your peers in the industry.Read more…
Free Beautiful Song Honoring the Victims of Orlando
I heard this moving song on Facebook today and wanted to share it with you. It would be an incredible closing song whether you did a full tribute to the Orlando massacre, or just wanted to play one song. The artists are offering it as a free download in honor of the victims. #WeAreOrlandoRead more…
33 Indoor Cycling Questions Answered…There, We Fixed It!
Everywhere you turn you see yet another online article with a LIST of what to expect in an indoor cycling class. Chris Jordan, creator of the blog Spinningfreak, has taken the latest silly online list and fixed it with responses that make more sense, adding a touch of humor.Read more…