Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Theme Ride Thursday: An Excuse for the Roller Coaster Ride!
Did you know there is a National Roller Coaster Day? Long before I found that out I was doing a super fun mountain-bike simulation ride I call “The Roller Coaster Ride.” I’ve now got yet another excuse to teach this fun profile next week! I’ve got two versions of this profile; one uses numerous songs with the theme of roller coasters. Let me know which one is your favorite!Read more…
Mainstream Music Monday: Pop Takes a Futuristic Turn with This Mesmerizing Climb
This song is a gorgeous alt-pop fugue!Read more…
Friday Favorites: A Fun Flat to Check Out!
This week is one of my favorite flat road tracks. It’s short, sweet, and has an energetic beat that is sure to be a hit in your classes. So, why don’t you check it out? Read more…
Step Outside Your Musical Box: The Best Movie Soundtracks with a New Profile
ICA’s movie soundtrack bucket playlist currently has over 250 songs on it. With so many fantastic options, we have also created a new profile for you to use.Read more…
Theme Ride Thursday: Duran Duran Appreciation Day
Are you a big fan of 80s music? Do you love the iconic sounds of Duran Duran? If your riders are also fans of their music or just passionate about the 80s, we’ve got a fantastic idea for you! August 10th is Duran Duran Appreciation Day, offering a perfect opportunity to create a themed ride or celebrate with a few of their timeless hits.Read more…
Wednesday Timeless Classics: Progressive House—A Fusion of House with Dub and Reggae
This is the seventh track from this group in the ICA music archives. I hope you’ve got all seven in your repertoire—they’re all that good, and they’ve been a part of Spinning® and cycling studios since the early 1990s! This one is perfect for a warm-up or a long, sub-threshold interval at 86 rpm. Read more…
Mainstream Music Monday: Set Them on Fire Just to Watch Them Burn!
Light the match and fan the fire with this “dynamite” slow climb to heat things up. With the propulsive rhythm, passion, and intense anger, riders go from Z3 to Z6 in less than 2.5 minutes. Read more…
Friday Favorites: A Solid Climb to “Ride”
A long, steady-state climb that has a beautiful beat.Read more…
Theme Ride Thursday: The Best of Music Videos (New Profile!)
Celebrating the anniversary of the launch of MTV with choice songs from beloved music videos. Plus, we have curated a fun profile based on the best music videos.Read more…
Theme Ride Thursday: Pedaling Down Memory Lane for MTV’s Launch Anniversary
On August 1, 1981, MTV aired its very first broadcast and became a driving force in music culture, providing countless unforgettable moments. Riding to the tracks that once graced the screens of early MTV will evoke nostalgia for your older participants while introducing your younger riders to the roots of music video culture. So, let’s hop on our bikes, immerse ourselves in the magic of MTV’s inception, and pedal to the rhythms that defined an era of music television. Read more…