Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Review of Three Cycling Classes During My Trip to New York
While in New York a few weeks ago for the ECA conference, I had the opportunity to attend three very different indoor cycling classes: Flywheel, the Pursuit at Equinox, and a Spinning session at the ECA conference. Here is my review of each one, and the movie genre they reminded me of.Read more…
Prenatal Exercise and Cycling
Supporting your cycling clients during prenatal exercise requires a fundamental understanding of their physiologic changes & contraindications to exercise.Read more…
Make the Time to Exercise!
Encourage your students to add it to their daily to-do list!Read more…
Ask the Expert: What is the RPE for Threshold Intervals and the RPE for the Recovery?
Cynthia has a question about the perceived exertion for threshold intervals and the recovery in between the intervals. She also asks for motivational cues for threshold efforts. I’m sure she’s not alone with these questions, so I hope this helps many instructors.Read more…
High-Intensity Creative Cueing Part 3: Short Anaerobic Efforts of Less Than One Minute
In part 3 of this series, you’ll get the perceived exertion descriptions and creative cues to help your riders push themselves extra hard for up to 1 minute. But…these are not sprints! Sprints require their own set of cues because they rely on a completely different energy system. Stay tuned for part 4! Read more…
Using Music in a New Way
Learn how to use music in novel ways to develop students’ pedaling skills while simultaneously disengaging them from relying on music as a crutch. The concepts are difficult to explain and are best felt and seen. Listen to the examples and find similar music in your own library to experiment with. Then see what happens when you introduce the concepts into a class setting. Read more…
When Doves Cry in the Purple Rain
The news of Prince’s death absolutely gutted me. I know I’m not alone. Here is a profile, some song resources, and suggestions for your own tribute ride. Please share your own playlists, ideas, and riders’ reactions in the comments.Read more…
Mentoring New Instructors is a Win-Win for All
Bill Roach breaks down his approach at mentoring new instructors, so you can take it to your own studio. Read more…
High-Intensity Creative Cueing Part 2: Anaerobic Efforts of 1 to 3 Minutes
Super-intense, short efforts are an essential part of cycling fitness. They’re a great way to keep fit as long as they’re not overdone. Anaerobic intensity requires its own type of cueing since the physical sensations are different than at threshold.Read more…
My Cycling Class (That I Took) Today: Instructor Feedback
Here’s a spin on our new series, My Cycling Class Today. Instructor and guest writer Apryl Stern comments on a recent class she took at a new gym. It’s all about reflecting, learning, and growing.
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