Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
How To Very Quickly Organize a Fundraiser
Want to organize a ride for victims of the Nepali earthquake? Here is a checklist on how we created a successful fundraiser in three weeks for both the tsunami disaster of 2004 and Katrina in 2005. Whether you plan on a small event for just one class, or want to spearhead a larger more coordinated event several hours long, this checklist will give you some ideas on what to do.Read more…
My Favorite Threshold Workout: Over/Under Intervals Redux
Over/Under Intervals are some of my favorite training sessions to improve lactate threshold. They are hard but not too hard, they take great focus, and they keep riders engaged. In this profile, I put a different “spin” on an old favorite!Read more…
Why Do Some People Get Fitter Faster Than Others?
Have you ever known someone who was a “fast responder”—someone who got fit really fast? Then others who did not respond at all to the same training, even though they were consistent and committed? Science can now answer why that happens.Read more…
Ask the Expert: Do My Legs Have a Zone 5?
After I posted my most recent profile, EDM Muscle Madness, a number of instructors said their riders found it difficult to push into Zone 5 during the strength intervals, even though they were riding as hard as they could. Are these riders doing something wrong because they are not able to hit Zone 5?Read more…
Tom Scotto’s Tour de iTunes (Tips and Tricks)
In the following video I will give you a tour of my iTunes library to demonstrate how I organize my playlists and music for indoor cycling. Along the way I will show you some tips and tricks for ordering your lists, using the BPM widget, building a playlist, laying out your profile, and calculating the time of multiple songs.Read more…
Lessons Off The Bike
Alisha Shulter is an indoor cycling instructor who recently taught her first class off the bike. But, she hadn’t planned on doing it that way. The results, however, were magical and taught her a lot about herself and her students. She wrote this blog post about it and gave me permission to share it with you here at ICA.Read more…
Audio Master Class: EDM Muscle Madness
Profile objective: To vehemently defy the cycling cardio gods with a dance of strength. Think of performing 1260 single leg squats; this profile requires no imagination.
The mention of “dance of strength” was not just a fun euphemism; get ready to bring your bike and legs on the dance floor with some powerful EDM (electronic dance music).Read more…
A Peek Into My iTunes Organization, Part 2
Last week I posted a video of my iTunes filing system, a result of years of trial and error to find the best way to organize and categorize songs so that making playlists for profiles will be much easier. Here are some close-up screenshots of my category folders and playlists. In addition to organization, this will give you ideas for naming your profiles as well as many fun theme ride ideas!Read more…
Quarantining a Bad Attitude in Class
This article on managing a participant’s bad attitude by guest contributor Nancy Korf is very relevant to any type of group fitness class. It is a situation that many of us have encountered in our cycling classes so we wanted to share it with you. There are some real gems in the advice she gives here!Read more…
Ask the Expert: Getting Fast or Getting Frustrated
What else can be done for a rider to improve their cadence range? I’ve got a rider who has been working with me for about a year and half. She is in her 50s and very fit. She runs, strength trains, and cycles about 2 times per week. She’s still unable to increase into the 90s. Her form and control are good and she can put out the watts, but just not at a high cadence. I know cadence ranges are individual and trainable, but is the 80s it for her?Read more…