Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
In Season: What Are Outdoor Riders Doing Now?
Although our indoor classes might be populated with many folks who do not ride outdoors, we should also be mindful of what our outdoor riders may be doing or are capable of during a given time of year. This will help us deliver safe, fun, and appropriate classes regardless of the season. Understanding this still has value for the non-outdoor rider. Why?Read more…
Ask The Expert: How Much Upper Body Movement?
I received a question from a cyclist who said a master instructor told him he should allow movement in his upper body and he disagreed, because he was always taught to keep his upper body still. But there is an important difference between an outdoor bike and an indoor bike, and that has implications in how you should modify your riding indoors.Read more…
How Much Do You Value Your Time?
How long do you spend putting together your profiles and playlists? Depending on my mood, I can spend anywhere from 1 to 2 hours, sometimes more (especially for ones like the photo at left). Often the actual profile itself has been brewing in my head for a while; sometimes I come up with the concept while out riding my bike.Read more…
Teaching with Video
Welcome to ICA’s series on teaching with video. Our initial thoughts were to organize eight to ten articles covering various topics to help introduce those new to video and provide tips for those already living the video dream. As we put further thought into what this series would encompass, and combine that with the speed at which video is now being adopted, the series may very well transform into a regular column or topic.Read more…
Audio Profile: Climb, Climb Again
Last month I was in Seattle and had a chance to take Shari Miranda’s cycling class at the Seattle Athletic Club downtown. It’s a hill repeat profile with a twist. I enjoyed it so much I asked Shari to present it to ICA members. I know you—and your students—will enjoy this one!Read more…
Tech Tip: BPM Widget
UPDATE: It appears the original location for BPM Widget is no longer active. I’ve updated the link to an alternate location. Sorry about that.
In this video I demonstrate how the FREE BPM Widget for Mac is used to determine the BPM (beats per minute) of a song. This widget works beautifully with iTunes, since it has the ability to add the BPM to the song with one click.Read more…
Magic Coaching Minute: The Warm-Up
In this Magic Coaching Minute, Jennifer and I are enjoying the USA Cycling Pro Challenge. While in the team village before Friday’s time trial, we were inspired to talk about the importance of warming up.Read more…
My Back-to-School Profile and Playlist This Morning
My Back-to-School profile and playlist was a big hit this morning so I thought I’d share it with you. If you’re not into theme profiles, this one may change your mind! This playlist spans the genres, and includes folk, indie, R&B, pop, punk, retro, and classic rock. It also spans the school age, from elementary to high school to college. As the Ramones say, “Fun, fun, rock ‘n roll high school”!Read more…
ContraINDIGNATIONS™—Fast Jumps?!
Welcome to the first in a series of (unfortunately) many videos demonstrating moves and drills inappropriately used in Spinning® and indoor cycling classes. Let’s work together to stop the madness.Read more…
Visual Cues to Enhance Your Coaching, Part 3
In Part 1 of this series we provided visual cues for technique and pedal stroke. The visual cues provided in Part 2 focused on intensity, terrain, and duration. For the final edition of this series, we have several hand signals for miscellaneous uses, such as riding formation, focus, breathing, and stretching.Read more…