Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Seven tips for success when standing out of the saddle at higher cadences
As a follow-up to my post last week about high cadences, here are seven tips to increase success for pedaling quickly while standing. This article reiterates that each individual will have their own “threshold” of cadence while standing and reviews when and why this movement is appropriate or not. LastRead more…
Tripped up by technology and Mother Nature!
To an indoor cycling instructor, iTunes is your lifeblood. When it crashes, all heck breaks loose. That happened to me on Friday, and then on Monday, lightning struck. Literally! Let me tell you about my crazy week–I’ve been a little preoccupied! Friday my iTunes froze up. I wasn’t even ableRead more…
Higher cadence while standing on a flat road
Do you have a hard time maintaining your cadence above 80 or 85 rpm when you stand up? You aren’t alone, and I bet you have plenty of students who struggle at this…Read more…
How much are you willing to admit you do not know?
How much do you really know about cycling technique? More importantly, how willing are you to seriously assess your own technique so you can become a better coach? I share a story with you that helped me realize how important it is to really know proper technique of your sportRead more…
Power Training
Gene Nacey is rewriting his book on Power Training through his posts on ICA. Sally Edwards wrote the forward for his first book. That forward is printed here, and is a great explanation of what you can expect from these articles over the next few months, helping you grasp power training in more detail. Read more…
Cueing ideas for the Tour de France and other race simulations
Here are 48 inspirational cues for your Tour de France stages to motivate your riders to give just a little more. This is for ALL ICA members, not just the ones who purchased the TDF package! I also want to share some of the great feedback I’ve received about theRead more…
When There is No Music
As a follow-up to my previous post about teaching a class with no music, I offer you two stories from instructors who had to teach with no music, and the learning opportunity–and even joy–they experienced as a result. Do we place too much importance on our music? Read this andRead more…
Tour de France Prologue Master Class Profile
You think the Prologue of the Tour de France is too short, too “wimpy”? Think again! This ride will have your students seeing double, and will get them excited about the TDF stage profiles to come. This profile is for all ICA members and is a little taste of whatRead more…
No music? What do I do now?
This morning the stereo decided not to work in class and I was forced to think quickly on my feet. What would you do in this situation? If you plan on teaching for a while, you will most likely have to teach a class without music at some point inRead more…
First Power Column – A Bit of a Rant
Welcome to my first ICA post on power training. I’ve been shocked and bewildered at the degree of dogma that has emerged from the discipline of power training for cycling. There continues to be a dearth of books on the subject, and all of them are speaking to the very narrow population of competitive athletes. Worse yet, there is a consistent “bashing” of the heart rate monitor and all the methods for training using that tool.Read more…