For years, lactate threshold (LT) has been referred to by athletes and coaches as one of the most useful metrics to determine the upper limits of sustaining power, endurance, and, ultimately, performance. It is useful to think of the lactate threshold as a glass ceiling—an invisible barrier that once raised will increase performance potential. Understanding what LT is and how it fits within your training plan, and knowing how to describe it in the context of an indoor cycling studio, will go a long way in helping your riders conceptualize what their bodies are experiencing.Read more…

This Quick Profile channels the power of inspiring women while riders hold a steady-state effort in Zone 3. The challenge will be both physical and mental as you hold an effort straight through for about 40 minutes without recovery. Staying strong, focused, and in control, you will build both aerobic power and endurance.Read more…

Have you ever subbed a class where the riders didn’t know what to do with the console? Have you had a mixed class with some who understand watts and others who have no idea? Izabela inspires you to use the great tools you have at your disposal and provides you with some of her favorite ways for dealing with these scenarios, including a great way to help riders to understand watts even if they’ve never done an FTP test.Read more…

Back in February 2018, Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster was launched into space on the first SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.  Aboard it was “Starman,” a dummy driver placed behind the wheel. We can’t help but wonder where he’s headed or who he’ll meet along the way, which is how we came to this week’s installment of Theme Ride Thursday: Sci Fi and Outer Space.Read more…

This profile will take riders out of the cycling room to explore outer space. All that’s required is a vivid imagination and enough power in their legs to propel them through space. As with any journey ride, it enables the instructor to use their creativity to transport their participants from the mundane bike studio to someplace interesting and unusual. But like every other profile, it still has a purpose…Read more…

You can have the very best in equipment, the most exclusive training facility, and all of the fanfare that goes with it, but what really trumps all of this is the way the class is organized and coached. Janet shows you how to turn your coaching “radar” on the moment you walk into class so you can key into the specific needs of your riders.Read more…

We’re sharing this blog post with permission from Heather Oglesby. Heather became a caregiver to her mom at an early age, and her blog highlights her struggles and triumphs, as well as those of other caregivers. Her story beckons you to find your passion and purpose, which she did on her bike.Read more…

cue my ride app

An estimated 10 million people currently live with Parkinson’s Disease. The Cue My Ride iphone app guides an indoor cycling ride that’s tailored to help Parkinson’s symptoms and uses the Apple Watch to monitor those symptoms before and after the ride. It not only encourages exercise that can help reduce Parkinson’s symptoms, but also provides a tool to measure how the symptoms change as a result of the exercise.Read more…

Senior riders are becoming one of the most important demographics for our industry. The prevalence of baby boomers graduating into senior status is an opportunity for us to serve more people. But there is reluctance among this group to try indoor cycling. How can we overcome their resistance? I think the answer is the 30-minute senior rider demonstration class. This class can go miles in relieving the riders’ anxiety and creating dedicated new riders for our classes. Read more…