New instructors are often unsure how much they should be talking or what they should be saying in their classes. One of the litmus tests to discover if you are talking too much is to simply ask yourself, “Why am I talking?” The answer may surprise you. Caesar provides tips on examining the purpose of your cues and making sure your riders aren’t confused by what you say. Read more…

Suppose one of your riders began doing push-ups or picked up some weights in your class; what would you do? ICA member Melody asked this question in our Facebook group and several of us responded with advice. Next week I will give you some specific ways to address riders face-to-face.Read more…

Fear can be a powerful motivator, especially in the short term. In fitness, this manifests itself as working out because of a doctor’s warning, or fear of gaining weight. In the long term, we are always better when we can live our lives—and pursue a fit lifestyle—in love. There are steps cycling coaches can take to help riders make the transition, thus improving their chances of a lifetime commitment to fitness.Read more…

We recognize that “you must do this to be healthy” is a poor motivator for most people. Our physical and emotional needs are too complex and too conflicted to respond to a simple “if, then” approach. Higher functions like these are addressed better by more intrinsic motivational factors, namely autonomy, mastery, and purpose.Read more…

The final segment of this series addresses two of the benefits of teaching off the bike that have the most impact: assessing intensity of your riders and teaching HIT intervals. You now have all the tools you need to be a highly effective indoor cycling coach who knows how to teach off the bike.Read more…

Throwback Thursday (updated). Teaching off the bike is a skill. With effective and judicious use, you can empower your students beyond what you could do from the saddle. But you can also overdo it and alienate your students. Dismounting occasionally is different from teaching an entire class off the bike. Here are specific steps to elevate your coaching from the floor.Read more…