Today’s landscape of fitness classes is a vast array of choices both for participants and instructors. When it comes to indoor cycling, in some situations you are bound by the style your facility expects, in other situations you are at a licensed facility required to teach specific formats by the book, and in others your imagination is the only limit. The goal of this article is to answer the question, regardless of the style, format, or intention of the class you teach…are you a true fitness professional?Read more…

Last week one of the club managers came to take my class to do some reconnaissance in order to figure out my secret for filling my classes. Here are 15 things I do for every class that few of the other instructors do—these are likely the reasons why I have a waiting list and they don’t.Read more…

A “glory” is a concept described by John Steinbeck in his famous book East of Eden. I believe a glory can be found in any aspect of our life—including on an indoor bicycle. Can you find mindfulness in indoor cycling? Can you help your students find that magical place where the world drops away and only the glory remains?
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One of my students told me he thought another rider’s seat was too low. He was right. As a bonus, the correct setup helped her increase her wattage. On one hand, I wondered how I missed this; on the other, I was so grateful he felt comfortable enough to tell me. Here are a few of my reflections on this incident. Read more…