If you’ve ever been frustrated about riders who seem to cheat about the amount of work they are doing, or how to coach your riders to add enough resistance to do appreciable work (and get the results they want)…then this is your profile! The audio for this profile is a veritable continuing education session, so get ready to learn a lot!Read more…

Introducing our next Audio Master Class, this time with guest instructor Bill Pierce. I’ve known Bill for over a decade and have seen that his profiles are based on sound training principles, yet they always have a thread of fun, humor, and/or adventure. This one is no different, as he takes you on an epic trip through Europe and the Middle East, with music to match each country.Read more…

This profile is inspired by the movie Gladiator (2000) where Maximus (Gladiator), Commander of the Armies of the North, addresses his men before battle, “…Stay with me. If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium…”

Take your riders on a journey up a 31-minute climb to their own personal Elysium.Read more…

In late May of this year, the world lost a very special woman: Maya Angelou. Billy Coburn, a Star 3 Spinning® instructor and longtime ICA member, posted on Facebook about doing a special journey ride devoted to her motivational writing. I asked Billy to send me the ride and I would consider posting it on ICA. I figured that it could potentially be a very inspirational profile…but I was blown away when I read it. I think you will be as well. Get ready to change some lives—maybe even your own!Read more…

This ride is a very fun simulation of an out-and-back ride and highlights the beauty of using outdoor simulations to enhance your indoor experience. This profile includes wonderful visualization cues of the scenery and the outdoor riding experience. I call it The Canyon Ride because the middle section descends into and overlooks a beautiful canyon with desert topography. Read more…

Not that I want to encourage any of my riders to throw a tantrum, but bringing them close to the edge is fun. What is riding tempo? How does cadence affect my power output, sustainability, and efficiency? How are heart rate and power affected when that delicate and steady world of tempo is disturbed?

There is more action and variables in this ride than you can shake a stick at. Even though the target intensity is Zone 3, you may find many of your riders lying on the floor kicking and screaming when it’s over.Read more…

Richard Mullins is an ICA member from Ireland whose passion for teaching is contagious! Who better to create an Irish-themed profile than a blue-blooded Irishman with passion?! I know you’re going to enjoy this fun interval profile built around events that catapulted Ireland to the global stage, including many sporting references. Read more…

Today is March 3rd, and parts of the eastern United States are in single digits and covered with snow, so there is still time to use this profile! This profile accompanies the article Educating Your Students, Part 4: Using Storytelling and Non-Cycling Examples in Your Profiles. It’s called “Storm-Stayed,” which is an adjective unique to maritime provinces and Ontario in Canada.Read more…