
The 2015 Paris-Roubaix is April 12th—why not get your riders ready now? You are going to LOVE this profile from last year! We looked to someone who is a fanatic about the Spring Classics bicycle races and is also an exceptional indoor cycling instructor, Matt Scheffer. Put the two together and you have an emotional, challenging, fun profile. This race is so full of history and drama, you can’t help but have a great time as you visualize the pavé (the rugged cobbled sections of the brutal 160-mile race).
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Saint Paddy's Day Profile

Here is a simple rolling hills profile set to Irish music. You’re either going up or down on this ride through the bonny green hills of Eire, on narrow roads lined with low stone fences through green pastures dotted with sheep, on your way to meet friends at the Mystic Celt Pub. How’s that for a visual as you ride? Ride responsibly!Read more…

From the archives…
Richard Mullins is an ICA member from Ireland whose passion for teaching is contagious! Who better to create an Irish-themed profile than a blue-blooded Irishman with passion? I know you’re going to enjoy this fun interval profile built around events that catapulted Ireland to the global stage, including many sporting references. Read more…

Valentine's Profile

REPOST from the archives: Sweet Poison represents a box of Valentine’s chocolates. This profile riffs on Jennifer’s Trick or Treat Halloween ride but, in this case, after selecting a song it will be up to each student to design an activity for the class. In doing so they will have to take into account their knowledge, personal preferences, and the reactions of the other students. You AND your students will be taking some risks with this profile…but isn’t that what love means as well?Read more…

I woke up one morning and the thought hit me: “There are so many great songs on the ICA website submitted by master instructors; I should build a profile solely from this music library.”

As is customary at the beginning of the year, I build four profiles for the purpose of delivering base conditioning to my riders. Next up on the docket was a leg speed and technique workout, so I dug into all the great music contributions to create this profile.Read more…

In order to prepare for the lung-burning intervals our riders know and love, some conditioning is needed. In addition to aerobic conditioning, the muscles of the legs need to be ever ready and everlasting. Here is the first of two profile outlines on leg muscle conditioning—muscular endurance.Read more…