We’ve compiled 120 songs with the words “yes” or “yeah” in the title and 112 songs with the words “no” or “never” in them, giving you over 14.5 hours of music options to choose from. Whether you like the song (YES!) or you don’t (NO!), there’s bound to be enough here to create a 60-minute playlist.  Read more…

A good profile should provide you with endless ways to use it, saving you tons of time in the process. We have had several versions of this profile at ICA. This is an example of taking a template for a solid, goal-based workout and tweaking the music not just for a specific genre (like Bill Pierce’s Pop vs. Rock version), but for a theme like I did with this one using songs about “wild,” “crazy,” and “psycho.” There are so many fun songs in that theme! I also modified the intervals slightly, so it will seem fresh and new to your riders.Read more…