While the reviews on the movie Bohemian Rhapsody (a story about the band Queen) are mixed, there’s one thing we can agree on—their music rocked…you! Why not capitalize on the fun and include some of their songs in an upcoming playlist? We’ve compiled some of our favorite spin-worthy tracks, including “Bicycle Race,” along with a few slower ones for recoveries and cool-downs. Enjoy!Read more…

Dixie first presented this Boston Marathon ride at WSSC in the mid 2000s, and it quickly became one of the iconic, empowering sessions instructors spoke about across the country. I was thrilled when she agreed to write it up for ICA members, including all of her powerful coaching cues, and filled with the intensity and the rich history of the Boston Marathon. You are in for a special treat! NEW for 2023 we have a running-themed bucket playlist with over 300 songs.Read more…