Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Saint Patrick’s Day Profile: If You’re Lucky Enough to be Irish, You’re Lucky Enough
From the archives…
Richard Mullins is an ICA member from Ireland whose passion for teaching is contagious! Who better to create an Irish-themed profile than a blue-blooded Irishman with passion? I know you’re going to enjoy this fun interval profile built around events that catapulted Ireland to the global stage, including many sporting references. Read more…
FREE Songs For Fast Introspective Flats
Announcing the release of Technologia, a new album by Chronos, with luscious downtempo soundscapes from Russia. The best news? You can get it legally for free! I’ve highlighted 3 of the tracks that are good for the cycling studio and how to use them.Read more…
Ask the Expert: What is RPM and How Does it Relate to BPM?
This is a question from a fairly new instructor about understanding rpm and its relationship to bpm. I originally posted this in 2012, but I am reposting it with an updated response. This question came up recently in the ICA Member Facebook group, so I thought I’d resurrect this post.Read more…
Power to the Masses, Part 3
Using a power to weight ratio is an easy and effective way to determine the amount of watts to target during various efforts. It is a very simple approach that is easy for instructors to use in classes where bikes with power meters are available. With any simple approach, there will be factors to consider for those who desire to be the exception.Read more…
Ask The Expert: Heavy Quad-Dominant Pedal Stroke
“I have several triathletes and highly fit cyclists in some of my classes. A few of them seem to have really heavy, quad dominant downstrokes that results in what I “see” to be a highly inefficient circular pedal stroke. When in climbing position, these same “quad dominant” cyclists have a lot of hip rocking. (Not a ridiculous amount, but more than what a trained athlete should be doing if they are knowledgeable). I guess they are trying to really force the pedals down which, of course, leads to the inefficient stroke. My advice in class is to ”settle down” the hips. There should be some side to side, natural movement, but not overkill. If you settle down the hips a little, it forces a smoother stroke—especially the upward phase of pedal stroke. Am I right to say this?”Read more…
Another Reason NOT to Ride Aero In a Spinning Class
Are you or your riders ever tempted to ride in an aero position in your indoor cycling or Spinning class? This Bicycling magazine article will show you conclusively that it’s not really a good idea! Read more…
Power to the Masses, Part 2
One of the gold standards of power is Functional Threshold Power (FTP): the maximum average power one can sustain, with or without puking, for 60 minutes. Sounds fun! If that is more excitement than you can handle in a single sitting, there are other methods or field tests that one can enjoy to determine FTP. However, I recommend first determining whether FTP is practical or applicable for your indoor cycling classes.Read more…
Great Idea From an ICA Member On Keeping Your “Chatty Cathys” Happy
One of our ICA members shared his technique for keeping his riders who like to chat engaged. I thought it was a fun and creative way to add variety to your schedule of classes, whether your purpose is to let the talkers have their day or just to increase the fun level! Share with us your technique!Read more…
Fabulous Song You Are Going to LOVE!
This fabulous song will set you and your riders free. At 125 bpm, it’s the perfect climb, matching the freeing message in the video. If you are able to project videos, make sure to add this one to your collection!Read more…
All’s Well That Ends Well
As instructors, we have all had one of these classes. New England has been hit with multiple snowstorms resulting in 96 inches of whiteout. Driving in downtown Boston is reminiscent of the maze scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, except the 8- to 10-foot walls are not green shrubbery.Read more…