Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Your Class Was Great But Your Music Sucks!
During a number of my previous presentations, I referred to an interaction with a rider after class who told me my music sucked. A few of you have asked about it so I thought I would give you the full scoop and the lessons learned. Read more…
Ask the Expert: What Does the Calf Say?
Often times (like during the Indoor Cycling Summit), people will ask, “What part of the pedal stroke does the calf muscle power?” This is a great question because it does not have a simple answer. My favorite kind. Now I could say that the calf does not power any part of the pedal stroke and this would be true. I can also say that the calf powers the entire pedal stroke, which can also be true. So which is it? Read more…
You’ll Never Believe What This SoulCycle Instructor Did Next! My Mind Was Blown!
Damn, I finally did it…I wrote one of those inane headlines that are so in vogue and are only designed to get clicks. I swore I would never do it. But sadly (not just that I succumbed to the trend but also because what I’m about to say is 100% true…) it’s probably the most descriptive and honest headline I could ever write about this topic. So get ready to have your mind blown if you’re a personal trainer or care about how fitness is taught.Read more…
3 Ways Top Performers Use Visualization To Perform At Their Peak And How You Can Too
Studies prove that when you take twenty athletes of equal ability and give ten of them mental training, they will outperform the ten without it every time. Of all the various mental training techniques used today, visualization is the single most powerful one used to optimize performance. Here are three ways top performers harness the power of visualization to perform at their peak and how you can too.Read more…
Exits Are Hard
Exits are hard. Graceful exits, harder. Everything has a shelf life, a half-life if you will. So does your teaching life with any individual class. So when do you make your exit? Here are some of the questions I propose you ask yourself.Read more…
Help Us Compile the Best Spinning® and Indoor Cycling Songs of the 1980s
What are your favorite songs of the 1980s? Here are 32 of my favorites and how I use them in a class. Please help us create the most comprehensive and fun collaboration of retro songs for indoor cycling classes ever compiled! You do not have to be an ICA member—this is for everyone, so please share!Read more…
Where I Go From Here
I really appreciated the comments on my last two-part article, “Where Do We Go From Here?” It is always very encouraging to see how many instructors put a tremendous effort into the planning of their classes. This reflects well on our professionalism and understanding of how to help people reaching their fitness goals. Training plans are not just for personal trainers (no offense). As a follow-up, and per request, I’m going to provide more detail on the various approaches I use when base training fades into the distance.Read more…
The First, Latest, and Greatest iBook on Power for Indoor Cycling
With so many Indoor Cycling instructors now beginning to teach on bikes with power, Gene’s focus is on simplifying the jargon and educating the reader from ground zero is more important than ever. The latest iBook features provide an incredible set of tools to make this a much more engaging experience than one would normally find in a book like this.Read more…
Magic Coaching Minute: Too Much Resistance
Regardless of the reason, using too much resistance on an indoor cycling bike is not good for the muscles, joints, or an effective workout.Read more…
Being “Different”
What to do when you are the ONLY one at your club that teaches a “real” cycling class.
I’ve received this question quite a bit. “How do you handle teaching a class that is so different than what other instructors offer at your club?” Although we can be really excited to learn something new (or just get reinvigorated), the excitement can wane when we think of how it will be received by our riders or our club as a whole. Those who love our rides are also bombarded by other indoor cycling classes that may have little resemblance to biking or training.Read more…