You have done your preparation; now you are ready for the interview. So how do you actually go about talking to the reporter? This is perhaps the most important segment of this series so far, but stay tuned for Part 5, in which we will tell you how to go out and find your own coverage in your local media for your class, studio, program, or event.Read more…

Here are two Thanksgiving profiles from the past so you don’t have to search for them. The first is one of my favorites, The Gratitude Ride, and the second is a rolling hills Over the River and Through the Woods to grandmother’s house! Enjoy burning your calories before your big feast!Read more…

This weekend I was compiling some of the emails and Facebook comments I’ve received and put them on our testimonial page. I am always moved when I get these comments because it shows me that we at ICA are really serving an important need and achieving our goals of helping instructors become inspiring coaches. I wanted to share a handful of them with you here.Read more…

warm-up, perceived exertion

When you read this inspiring story, ask yourself, is it possible that you have met this student in your class? You never know the impact you may have on one of your students, or potential students. Kathy Erlich-Sheffer shares her journey from an obese, timid student who fell off the bike in her first Spinning class and didn’t venture back for several years, to becoming an instructor herself. It was a nurturing instructor who changed everything for Kathy.Read more…

Over the next few weeks ICA will be talking with some of the companies and their passionate founders who have brought the world of virtual indoor riding to life. For this post I talk with Gene Nacey of Global Ride who is one of the pioneers in the virtual space. Although this is a audio interview, I’ve included footage from Global Ride’s Italy, France, Spain, and Hawaii videos to provide a taste of the motivation and excitement they provide.Read more…

There is no denying that promoting your upcoming classes can remind students to attend and greatly increase your class size. It’s also a great way to keep your students focused on their goals and help them achieve them. A weekly reminder in their inbox may be the impetus that kicks them in the butt to fit your class(es) into their busy schedules. Few have done it better than ICA member Kelly Scymczyk. Here are 11 samples of her entertaining and educational e-mails to her students.Read more…