Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
85 Tracks For Your Back-to-School and Labor Day Playlists
Yes, it’s that time of the year: Labor Day and Back to School! Here are a total of 85 songs you can use in your end-of-summer themed playlists.Read more…
Thought-Provoking Concept: What Would Your Students Say About You if You Were to…Go Away?
The two recent tragic losses in the indoor cycling community has given many of us pause to reflect on our own lives. One of the comments on the post about Jim Karanas’ passing by one of his students so beautifully expressed the impact he had on her life. It makes one wonder, “what would my students say about me and the effect I had on them if I were to die?” Are you willing to ask that question, and take the steps necessary to make sure you knew the answer?Read more…
Keep It Real…Fresh
Like many of us, I had gone through a number of life transitions, which can distract us from basic principles we all know well and usually practice, like RECOVERY. I’ve spoke about this to instructors at conferences and have given lengthy diatribes on the importance of adequate rest to those I’ve coached. Yet, here I am (again) finding myself fatigued.Read more…
Leg Switch Drill
My post last week about Buddy Macuha’s class at IDEA was especially interesting to ICA contributor Christine Nielsen, because she often coaches her students to change the leading leg. I asked her to write up an explanation of how she uses this as a drill.Read more…
Free Music!
Special thanks to ICA member Davide Camerini for sending me this free music download. It’s an album called Ethnoscapes and has eight downtempo tracks.Read more…
Visual Cues to Enhance Your Coaching, Part 2: Intensity, Terrain, and Duration
Visual learners are probably the most common amongst our students, yet so many instructors miss out on adding the signals that help them to grasp directives. This series focuses on how to meet the needs of your visual learners so that they will profit from your coaching. Part 2 of this series covers intensity, terrain, and duration with ten different images.Read more…
Ask the Expert: How Much Weight Should We Place on the Handlebars When Standing?
I want to thank Robyn Stricoff, who attended our IC Instructor Insight Webinar, for this great question. There is a lot of confusion concerning how much force/weight we place on the handlebars when out of the saddle. This confusion also extends to the perceived “core” workout one receives while riding. In this article I will touch on both.Read more…
Visual Cues to Enhance Your Coaching Part 1: Technique and Pedal Stroke
Visual learners are probably the most common amongst our students, yet so many instructors miss out on adding the signals that help them to grasp directives. This article will focus on how to meet the needs of your visual learners so that they will profit from your coaching. Part 1 of this series covers technique, pedal stroke and body position with ten different images.Read more…
Hey, Where Are You Going?!
Did you ever have someone walk out of your class after the first song or shortly after the class started? Not only can this be a distraction to your riders, it can be unnerving. We can start to ask questions of ourselves. “Am I off my game today?” “Did I just say something insulting?” “Does this person not like how I teach?” It can take a lot of mental strength and confidence to keep from losing our focus.Read more…
How I Taught Stage 18 up Alpe d’Huez (twice) this Morning
This morning was my first day back to my class after a three-week hiatus for my trip to the Tour de France. In honor of our climb up Alpe d’Huez, I decided to teach Tom Scotto’s profile for Stage 18 from the ICA Tour de France package. It was, inRead more…