You have this timeless classic Spinning song, don’t you? I hope that every indoor cycling instructor on earth has this song! (If not, this is a FREE post, so every instructor SHOULD have it!) Tomorrow is the day we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, and if you’re lucky enough to teach on Monday, you can play this song. I’m not teaching until Wednesday and will play it then. But this song is not limited to just MLK Day. It inspires ANYTIME you hear it! No words are necessary, just close your eyes and climb.Read more…

In Part 1 of this series on creating profiles I talked about the key elements of profile design. I promised to give you the exact same profile with a variety of different purposes. Here is one profile with nine different objectives. Your students may not even notice they’re doing the “same thing” even if you taught two of these a week apart. You will see how your objective can drive your students’ perception.Read more…

Dr. Haley Perlus has launched a new e-book called How to Lose Those Last 10 Pounds. But this isn’t a typical diet or exercise book; in fact, it’s neither of those. Dr. Haley takes the approach she uses with her elite athletes who need to focus on their goals, and applies them to weight loss. After reading the book, I am convinced that these techniques will apply to just about ANYTHING you want to commit yourself to, but simply need a little mental training assistance to get there. Instructors, this book will help you help your students achieve success!Read more…

This high-intensity profile is an exploration of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Sometimes discussing physiology with students can get a little dry, or go over their heads. Not this time! Tom makes sure they have a blast while experiencing the difference between their slow-twitch (aerobic) and fast-twitch (primarily anaerobic) muscle fibers.Read more…

In order to not repeat the same mistakes year after year after year, it’s time to stick the stake in the ground and make a decision: A Change Will Do You Good! This inspirational profile will help inspire your students to commit to the changes they need to reach their goals. Based on the classic rock song “Roll With the Changes,” each new motivational song will ingrain your message and inspire them to go just a little longer, a little harder, and to turn the page on the status quo.Read more…

You may have noticed that we’ve been providing more profiles on ICA. However, I think it’s very important for instructors to know how to create and modify their own profiles. It’s like the old adage “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life.” By teaching you how to create your own effective profiles, I’m feeding your indoor cycling coach for a lifetime! But be warned: you may have to wipe your existing profile creation slate clean…Read more…

I’d like to open this discussion to all instructors: do you or your club ever take the bikes outside for class? An ICA member asks about this and wonders if it’s wise. I have my own input based on my experience, but I was wondering how many other instructors have either done it or know others who do? What is your experience–good or bad? Do members like it? Is the sound system decent?Read more…

FREE ARTICLE Two weeks ago I shared an amazing video of a cheetah running in slow motion that reminded me of a visualization that I used from my early days of teaching Spinning. ICA member Rebecca shared with me her and another instructor’s experience of using this video in their class, as well as their music. Hopefully this will inspire you to do something similar.Read more…