How do you counter the mindset of riders who reject recoveries? How do you educate them so that they not only understand the importance of recovery, but they relish it? What intensity should your recovery be at? Is it always that way, or are there exceptions? How do you keep riders engaged during recoveries so they don’t get distracted or bored? I answer all that and more in this informative Facebook Live training session.Read more…

Let’s not kid ourselves—we all tend to form judgments about some of the riders in front of us despite our best efforts not to. But, when you take the time to find out the real reasons why someone is in your class and why they do what they do (such as NOT go as hard as you are asking), it can pay off in huge dividends and introduce you to some amazing and inspirational people. Don’t miss this story by Izabela about one of her riders!
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Many of us are indoor cycling instructors because of the opportunity it provides us to make a difference in people’s lives. Being a mentor is a way to multiply that impact, not just more broadly among students but also across time to future generations. Finding a mentor is a way to become a better instructor and perhaps even form a lifelong relationship.Read more…

This journey ride takes us back to ancient Egypt in biblical times. We’ll escape from Egypt, inspired by the Passover story. It’s based on biblical history but may not be historically accurate. During this ride, we’ll build a pyramid in Egypt; ride away from the havoc, chaos, and disasters caused by the 10 plagues; and then cross the Red Sea as it parts, all while being chased by Egyptians.Read more…