We’ve provide you with a detailed class profile for you to conduct your own MAP (maximal aerobic power) ramp test, including the protocol, the coaching, the music, and a downloadable spreadsheet which will estimate FTP and your riders’ power training zones. This is a viable alternative to the 20-minute FTP test, which requires a solid understanding and ability to pace one’s effort. Pacing isn’t an issue with this test.Read more…

Piggybacking off a recent theme ride playlist, Bottom’s Up—A Drinking Playlist, our newest profile is intended to be a fun and creative way of offering the benefits of long aerobic intervals all while on a pub crawl. Who isn’t willing to work long and hard for a drink?Read more…

Are you confused about teaching with power? Have you wondered what power output your riders should achieve in their intervals? Then this profile is for you. I call it the Ultimate HIIT because in addition to estimating FTP, it includes some of the more important durations for intervals so they can be compared to each other. This is very important when teaching both power as well as perceived exertion. I have a feeling you and your riders will love/hate this profile!Read more…

If you love proving that indoor cycling is not just for cardio bunnies, this is the profile for you. The overall goal is to place as much force on the leg muscles as possible for the duration of each muscular strength interval. Consider this profile the equivalent of performing single-leg squats or lunges—800 of them!

The intervals are short, but they are intense. If done correctly, each interval will bring a rider close to failure in the last seconds.Read more…