We’re sharing this blog post with permission from Heather Oglesby. Heather became a caregiver to her mom at an early age, and her blog highlights her struggles and triumphs, as well as those of other caregivers. Her story beckons you to find your passion and purpose, which she did on her bike.Read more…

cue my ride app

An estimated 10 million people currently live with Parkinson’s Disease. The Cue My Ride iphone app guides an indoor cycling ride that’s tailored to help Parkinson’s symptoms and uses the Apple Watch to monitor those symptoms before and after the ride. It not only encourages exercise that can help reduce Parkinson’s symptoms, but also provides a tool to measure how the symptoms change as a result of the exercise.Read more…

Jacque Wyatt is an instructor whose community is still reeling from a devastating hurricane less than three months ago in the panhandle of Florida. She recently shared a photo of herself teaching a class in her garage and reflected on the pain of their loss and the joy of being able to ride together again. I asked Jacque to share her story—it’s one of resiliency and community.Read more…

Apprehensive to Inspirational-

This is a story about a woman who had no idea what she could accomplish. A woman who reluctantly attended her very first cycling class with me six months ago on the advice of her personal trainer. A woman who feared the bike and was one of the most hesitant riders I’ve ever seen. She is now one of the strongest female riders I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Read more…

Laura’s small community is grieving over a recent tragedy. As she prepared for her Saturday ride she scoured the web to find information on how to teach grieving students. Today she shares her thought process as she prepared for her class and encourages a dialogue so that others will have information to draw upon if faced with a similar situation.Read more…

In their book, “The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact,” the Heath Brothers describe how certain experiences leave a lasting impact and change us. These can happen anywhere. Have you encountered such a moment as an instructor; an experience that changed you? How might you create these, either for yourself or for others?
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Today we lost Ed King, the guitarist for the iconic southern rock group Lynyrd Skynyrd. He’s the one whose voice can be heard counting down at the very beginning of their most famous hit, “Sweet Home Alabama.” Here are a few tracks you can sprinkle into your playlists as a tribute to one of the more recognizable southern rock groups in the country.Read more…

As instructors, we become accustomed to being the center of attention. Even if we’re never totally comfortable with it, it becomes routine. We implicitly agree when we take the mic that we will be evaluated by our participants. But what goes through your head (and your heart) when you’re REALLY being evaluated on your ability to lead? Are you open to constructive feedback?Read more…