We can find ourselves asking this question when we are lost, after we have achieved a goal, or when our limit has been reached. Regardless of how you arrive at the question, the situation is the same and there is a feeling of being stuck or stalled. This feeling is a common issue among indoor cycling instructors, but not for the reason one might think.Read more…

In the twenty years I’ve been a master instructor educating indoor cycling instructors around the world (first for Spinning®, then for the last five years with ICA), I’ve come to know what challenges many instructors are struggling with. I’ve often had a revelation while teaching one of my own classes that I’ve thought would be helpful for other instructors to know about.Read more…

This profile was written for my Tuesday endurance class in honor of Valentine’s Day. While typical endurance classes are over an hour, we’re limited to 45 minutes since this is an early morning class. (Bless their hearts for waking up so early in the morning and spending it with me!)Read more…