On August 1, 1981, MTV aired its very first broadcast and became a driving force in music culture, providing countless unforgettable moments. Riding to the tracks that once graced the screens of early MTV will evoke nostalgia for your older participants while introducing your younger riders to the roots of music video culture. So, let’s hop on our bikes, immerse ourselves in the magic of MTV’s inception, and pedal to the rhythms that defined an era of music television. Read more…

One hit wonders are by their very definition, songs that most people know but usually have no idea who the artist/band is because they are only known for one song. Because of their familiarity, they are great to add into rides but not all one hit wonders are created equal and therefore, not all good for indoor cycling. ICA has put together a new profile that you can use as well as a list of over 175 songs if you choose to just put one or two songs in to a ride.Read more…

Susan takes you on a travel adventure using multiple modes of transportation, including a car, motorcycle, train, sailboat, airplane, horse, and even a magic carpet! We also give you ten (yes, ten!) different bucket playlists to create your very own road trip profile. There are several directions (pun intended) you can take with your theme as you travel across the country or even the world. Read more…

Bastille Day is July 14. The Tour de France happens during the month of July. And there is always a reason to play French music in your cycling classes all year round. I’ve got everything you need. 600 French songs for your cycling classes, including pop, rock, alternative, hip-hop, dance, electronic, and, of course, the iconic classics. Read more…