Your riders are in for the treat of a lifetime! Leslie Mueller has created a murder mystery that she led (performed?) for her class for Halloween, and she has shared the step-by-step process so you can do the same. This may become one of your most popular and requested classes, and one in which you can seek publicity from your local media as well.Read more…

In this profile you will set the stage with four intervals that reach into the VO2 max range. The final three intervals will be selected through audience interaction and a cruel twist of fate, what I call the “Matrix choice.” Be ready to ask your riders to make the choice of remaining in the blissful ignorance of illusion or embracing the painful truth of reality.Read more…

Here are three more sample warm-ups for five more profiles. Two of the warm-ups can be used for challenging high-intensity VO2 max or anaerobic capacity training sessions. One is an example of how you might design your warm-up for a loop profile consisting of repeated laps of the same terrain. Read more…

Share your excitement of the Tour de France with your students using this quick profile of stage 19. There is an early breakaway but the “heads of state” will let them go because there is no one of importance in the break. But rest assured—that doesn’t mean the peloton won’t hunt them down in the second half—get ready for some drama! The playlist should knock your polka-dot socks off!Read more…